This website is intended for healthcare professionals
Respiratory Handbook

The professional's guide to product selection

NorthStar Products

Carbocisteine - NorthStar Healthcare Unlimited Company

Mucolytic to facilitate expectoration.

• Child 2–4 years: 62.5–125 mg, 4 times daily
• Child 5–11 years: 250 mg, 3 times daily
• Over 12 years: initially 2.25 g daily in divided doses, then 1.5 g daily in divided doses as condition improves.

Hydrocortisone - Northstar

For the treatment of anaphylaxis and asthma.

By intravenous injection for acute hypersensitivity reactions
• Adult: 100–300 mg, to be administered as sodium succinate.

By intramuscular injection, or by intravenous injection for acute hypersensitivity r…

Mometasone furoate - NorthStar Healthcare Unlimited Company

For prophylaxis of asthma by inhalation of powder
• Child 12–17 years: Initially 400 micrograms daily in 1–2 divided doses, single dose to be inhaled in the evening, reduced to 200 micrograms once daily, if control maintained.
• Adult: Initially 400 mi…

Prednisolone - Northstar

By mouth for acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
• Adult: 30 mg daily for 7–14 days.

By mouth for severe croup or mild croup that might cause complications (before transfer to hospital)
• Child: 1–2 mg/kg.

By mouth for mild to mod…